we provides welfare programs and services to the children, women in need and distress, the handicapped persons, neglected street children, social security for the aged and destitute through the network of residential care homes and non-institutional services.
Childrens care Promote environmental education. To educate people for saving our Environment. To Promote Child Health & Nutrition. Girl Child & Woman Promote enrollment and retention of the girl child in school and to ensure her education at least up to intermediate level.
This center was started by the KGS Vision Trust and duly registered in July 2007 under the Trust Act of Government of India. The Trust has been also registered by the National Trust under the section 12A of National Trust Act 1999
1. Skill Development on Remote people
2. Child Care
3. Educational Services
4. Social Welfare
Selfless service and charity to the poor to make them self-sustainable. To create awareness and build a socially conscious, selfless society, helping people in distress, poverty and during crisis
Ensuring a life of dignity for destitute adults, abandoned senior citizens, handicapped, special children, orphaned and helpless children and Caring for cattle. And also providing an education for the needy.
F1, Tulip Apartment, Tirukural Street, Vaikai Nagar EXTN, Urapakkam, Chennai 603201
+91 9840499168
+91 9489512693